Friday, January 15, 2010

Let's fire up the Way-Back Machine!!

way back machine

Let's get this thing going!

The other day at Uniwatch there was a link to the first Monday Night Football game on YouTube. It was some ISWT gold!! First, note the length of the grass, you can barely see the tops of their shoes. By the way, this picture is from where they re-enacted the coin toss. Back then, it would take place about 30 minutes before the game.

nfl,browns,municipal stadium,midfield

This game was September of 1970, late in the season of the Cleveland Indians who shared Municipal Stadium with the Browns. Overall the place looked pretty good, including the Browns end zone:

browns,nfl,end zone,municipal stadium

Astroturf was widely used back then, and speaking of artifical turf, Howard Cosell.


By the way, the third man in the booth was Dandy Don Meredith. Here's a shot from his playing days. The Saints played at Tulane Stadium and the ground looks a little...rough.


Before we go, remember sponsors from the good old days?

browns,municipal stadium

While watching this game I noticed link on the side to the video of Super Bowl I and got some great shots.
This was the best shot of the midfield. No NFL shield at midfield because it was still two leagues at that point.


The end zones were painted but weren't done with the teams customary design as they are now.
The Packers did have the NFL shield in their end zone:


And the Chiefs end zone had the AFL logo:


I'll keep nosing around YouTube and other places for more finds like this.

Until next time.

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